The EXI management regards the promotion of quality, health and safety measures as a mutual objective for management and employees at all levels.

In recognition of this and in the interest of modern management practice, it is therefore the policy of EXI to do all that is reasonably practical, to prevent personal injury and damage to property, and to protect everyone from foreseeable work hazards, including the public, in so far as they come into with EXI activities.

In particular EXI has a responsibility:

  • To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
  • To provide training and instructions to enable employees to perform their work safely and efficiently.
  • To make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment and the supervision of their use.
  • To comply with Bahrain legislation governing health and safety activities.
  • To maintain a constant continuing interest in health and safety matters applicable to EXI activities.
  • Managers of each division within EXI are fully responsible for maintaining quality, safe and healthy working conditions and for making the necessary arrangements within the framework of the general policy.

EXI provides quality engineering services in fabrication and mechanical works to various industries.